Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hello gang...
We had a GREAT night's sleep last night. We're off to get some documents notarized then to consolidate our bags down to two :*(, Then we're off to get our referrals picked up on the way to the train station. We'll get into Novograd late tonight, then off to bed again. Tomorrow morning, we hold Matthew for the first time. We can hardly wait.
Tomorrow, we also get to meet John & Tracie. We're very excited about that too. We've talked on the phone, emailed, blogged... no we get to be friends in real life too! :-)
Be Blessed.
And Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
February 17, 2009 at 12:47 AM
I'm so glad you are both sleeping well. Mary told me how she enjoys the comfort of the conference center your in now. This is the day before the big day. How exciting it is to know you'll be on your way tonight. Your getting so very close. I can't wait to see you with the boys. I'm glad you can experience this time with another RR family. We'll continue praying for a speedy/smooth process.
Have a great time today! Enjoy the ride, train ride that is. :)
Why only two bags?