This is Wednesday, right?
This afternoon, something happened to my internet card and it instantly ran out of money. Ugh… So I got it refilled this evening and I’m BACK ONLINE!! Yes!
I don’t like not being able to get online. This afternoon, I typed a post and was about to post it and Mary lost her internet connection and we couldn’t get it back. ARGH!!! So I posted it when I got back online this evening. It’s the post below this one.
So…so good news! George (our facilitator) met with our judge this afternoon and he agreed to do court next Friday!!! Praise God!!! He will go to Kiev tomorrow to get our paperwork to the State Department of Adoption (SDA). Please pray because we need to get our approvals from them by NEXT THURSDAY. Sometimes they drag their feet so it makes it difficult. So please pray.
While I’m talking prayer, please pray for John & Tracie Loux. They are still waiting to hear about their court date and haven’t yet. They have been here since Feb 7 and are REALLY READY to be done. I can only imagine.
Also…please pray for Wayne and Meghan Dickinson. They are leaving to come adopt on Saturday. That’s 2 days away. They still need financial help. Please pray!!
Things are going good at home. Talking to nana right now. She sounds tired but is doing well! THANK YOU mom for all you are doing! We love you.
Yesterday, we were going through our final application, George was reading it to us (since he had to translate it). When he got to the part requesting to change their names to Matthew Isaiah Malone and Micah Jonathan Malone, the tears were ready to flow freely. I had to choke it back. I thought maybe I shouldn’t do the ugly cry in front of the director of the institution. :-) It was so overwhelming. Not just the adoption of our boys. But also the fact that God gave me a new name too. Just experiencing the emotions of it, I can almost imagine my Heavenly Father when the day came to change my name. He must have been so full of joy and relief that the day had finally come. I can’t thank Him enough for adopting me. I can’t thank Him enough for allowing us to adopt Matthew and Micah.
We had 2 great visits with Matthew today! This afternoon, we got to take him OUTSIDE! He was amazed and full of wonder. I don’t know how often he gets to go outside, but he LOVED it!!!!
Check out this video: Matthew loves "Parker" the singing donkey. There is one song on it that is his favorite. He rocks and rocks and rocks. He'll do this for as along as will let him. And he likes to hold Parker up to his ear. He's so precious. Thank You, Jesus. :-)
Thank you all for praying for us!
Here are some pictures…
From this morning’s visit. He’s always so happy to see us.
If you think this is right before I got pegged with the xylophone, you’re right. Wow. :-)
Matthew’s name plate on his bed. :-)
The only one missing is Micah. :-( But he’s 100km away.
Left to right: Chris, Mary & Matthew Malone; Emma, Tracie, Aiden & John Loux
We all got to go outside this afternoon. It was a little warmer today. :-)
We are SO BLESSED to have John & Tracie here at the same time. We get together a couple of times a day at the pizzeria and just bum around town. It’s a huge blessing to Mary and I. So far away from home, to have a brother and sister in Christ to share the joy and the sorrows. Praise God! They will leave to go home after their court date for 10 days and then come back to get their two precious gifts from Jesus.
Psalm 30
4-5 All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God!
Thank him to his face!
He gets angry once in a while, but across
a lifetime there is only love.
The nights of crying your eyes out
give way to days of laughter.
I’m so thankful for God’s Word. Everyday He meets me there. He never disappoints. Never stands me up. Thank You, Father.
Be blessed our friends. We love you all.
February 25, 2009 at 12:50 PM
Oh...He si soooo cute it hurts!I knew that your friends were going to be there around the same time, but I am heartened that you get to spend time with them daily. What a bond you are creating! Not many people will be able to relate to your experiences. We are so thankful that someone is sharing this with you.
(Someone with skin!:-))
We love You all!
February 25, 2009 at 1:37 PM
Matthew is darling, I just love his smile!
February 25, 2009 at 3:45 PM
I can't wait to see Matthew in person. He is sooo cute.I liked the Donkey video!!!
February 25, 2009 at 8:59 PM
Mary - Just got the password today from Alison. The boys are amazing! I continue to pray for you guys and shared specifics with our BSF group this morning. Hurry home, I missed seeing your face in group today. Terri
February 25, 2009 at 9:07 PM
Matthew is such a cutie! Your updates are a great blessing to me. I'm so glad you have fellowship being so far from home and out of the ordinary.
February 26, 2009 at 12:40 AM
That's great about court next week. And I am praying right now for the Loux family that they get a court date.
February 26, 2009 at 5:58 AM
I love all the pics! And I love that you are there with the Louxes! God is good! Thanks for the update on your other friends on their way! The Lord will provide!
February 26, 2009 at 5:59 AM
Oops, that last comment was from Sarah in PA
God bless!
February 26, 2009 at 11:20 AM
Hey, looks like Matthew's birthday is coming up on the 10th! A celebration! singing the LORD's praises, jamie
February 26, 2009 at 11:21 AM
Hey, looks like Matthew's birthday is coming up on the 10th! A celebration! singing the LORD's praises, jamie
February 26, 2009 at 4:41 PM
I just LOVE the video and pictures!!!! Praying with your family each step of the way!
Mandy R.
February 26, 2009 at 8:18 PM
The pictures are really cute. That is wonderful that you have a court date. Hopefully the Louxs will very soon.