Our boy Matthew…
He was so glad to see us tonight. Mary took him first and got a huge hug.
Then he saw me and leaned over and gave me a huge hug. Then back to Mary, then back to me. He didn’t know what to do…he was so happy to have us both there! :-)
He is so sweet. He’s gonna fit right in with the Malones. Kids…you’re gonna love these guys!
Ummm…yes. That’s our boy standing in the window. When we got him down, we saw the security camera. :-) Oops… Ha ha! So if you hear of an orphanage “lock down” you’ll know what happened. LOL
We can’t wait to get these boys home. George got the papers we needed for Matthew this afternoon (Ukraine time). Also, there are some papers that we usually wouldn’t get til later down the line and he was able to get them because he has friends in the right places. Thank God!
Our post earlier in the day talked a little bit about yesterday. It was such a dark day for us. I don’t feel like we can share everything right now, but it’s on our private family only blog and we’ll probably share it sometime while we’re here. Thank you for your prayers so much!!
God gave us some scriptures and I want you guys to be able to read them too… You can click on the links below…
Yesterday, in our darkest moment since being here, God gave Mary This Scripture. It was such a burden lifted… (Isaiah 40)
This morning, in my time with the Lord, this happened to be the Psalm I came to. What a coincidence. Ha ha… Not! God led me HERE. (Psalm 10)
In Mary’s time with the Lord this morning, He brought her to this scripture…
We’re so thankful that God is with us… We couldn’t do this without Him. Thanks again for praying. We couldn’t survive without you all praying for us either.
Be blessed!
February 20, 2009 at 3:16 PM
Praying here in Montana that all goes well with the paper work . Love the pictures of the boys.
They both are so handsome..
February 20, 2009 at 11:55 PM
God is Amazing!!
February 27, 2009 at 2:23 PM
Orphans get parents - Psalm 10
Amen Lord Jesus!