Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year  

The Malone's wish you a very happy New Year.  May 2010 find you growing in your relationship with God and may you focus your eyes on Him alone.

We will celebrate in a low key way.  In fact, we don't usually make it to midnight.  The little kids certainly don't stay up and they still get up the next morning at normal time.  :-)

Mary, Micah and I will leave at 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning to make the trip to Kansas City, MO for the memorial service for Derek Loux.  What a very sad occasion, but so glad that he is in the arms of his Savior.  There's no doubt.  Very thankful to the Done's for staying with the other kids.  We won't get home til around midnight Saturday night.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

PS>>The post from "A friends blog" was written by Meredith Cornish...not a Malone.  :-)

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