Still we wait for one person to move the paperwork along so we can get our homestudy back and submit everything to Ukraine. I haven’t felt so frustrated ever in my life. We were promised it yesterday. Guess what? STILL WAITING! Our Social Worker has our homestudy completed and has for over a month and is waiting on this one paper to officially complete the homestudy. Our fingerprints are done (although we don’t know that they have been approved because of Mary’s print problem), the lady who will process our i600a has been in contact with us and wants to hurry our process for us (that was almost 6 weeks ago that she said she wanted to move fast for us) and here we still sit waiting on one paper.
The only thing that saves me is that I know that God is sovereign and can move men’s hearts and will do what He wants to do. So we know that He knows about it and will do it in His time.
Please continue to pray that this will work out QUICKLY! Thanks.
Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
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