Monday, November 23, 2009
On Friday, the school called and asked me to come get Bethany because she wasn't feeling well. So we got her home and she went right to bed...went to sleep...for the afternoon and night. She had fever, stomach issues, a bad headache, sore throat, ached all over. Sounds like the flu, right? But no. It can't be. They all stood in line and got the flu vaccine a few weeks ago.
Roll the clock forward to Saturday morning and Blake woke up with a high fever, and many of the same symptoms as Bethany. Bad enough, right? Saturday afternoon, Eli suddenly became very ill and his fever shot up real high and he started screaming and crying (not like Eli unless you take away a cookie or turn off Barney or Miss Patty Cake). He screamed and cried for TWO HOURS. NON STOP!
I got home about 8:00 Saturday night and we decided that if they had the H1N1 virus that they needed medication now, not Monday (we called the hospital and that's what they said). So Mary loaded up the 3 sick kids and took them to the hospital emergency room. The doc there said they don't do the H1N1 test anymore because they are so often incorrect. I suspect its a money thing too since the test costs so much and I also suspect that they have seen so many cases that by now they can spot them. At any rate, they were concerned especially for Eli (which we were too) because he had a rattle in his chest (considering his history, this is not good). He's like me, I'm afraid, and gets pneumonia at the drop of a hat (once you've had it, it's easier and easier to get it). I figure that's what will do me in one of these days, but I digress. :-)
They got their Tamiflu and got home at midnight. Needless to say, Mary stayed home with them yesterday. Yesterday evening, Hannah suddenly became ill with a high fever and all the other symptoms. Do you see a pattern?
This morning, Seth woke up with stomach problems so we fully expect him to fall sometime today. I can't imagine how the 2 former ukrainians are going to keep from getting this too, but our philosophy is that if they are all going to get it, better to get it over with in one swoop instead of dragging it out over weeks.
We are to leave tomorrow for a Thanksgiving trip back home, but we'll see.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Ps... check out the Eli Project blog. We had a great weekend.
November 23, 2009 at 5:57 PM
In thinking a teleconference for light programming tomorrow! Or maybe I'll wear my surgical mask and carry some GermX. :-) Marci
November 24, 2009 at 1:43 AM
so didn't they give the whole family tamilfu when you took the sick ones to the hospital? That stuff is so expensive anyway, but for a family of 9? WOW>
Praying this morning for you guys, for symptoms to minimize quickly and for you, Mary and the FUO's to escape it!
November 25, 2009 at 9:55 AM
If they will let you at your age you might want to get a pneumonia shot. I have had bad bronchitis my whole life & about 15 years ago a friend told me about the pneumonia shot her doctor had recommended for her & I got one & did really well. they only last 5 years & I didn't think about it but the last 3 or 4 years I have had really bad bronchitis again. I got a shot in July & knock on wood haven't had my fall episode. worth a try anyway