Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Long night  

2:30 a.m. -- Dog barking hysterically (he got left outside last night...usually he comes in at bedtime and is crated)

2:45 a.m. -- Search helicopters flying around neighborhood (maybe that's why the dogs in the neighborhood were going crazy?)
3:30 a.m. -- Maniacal cackling coming from Matthew's bed.  He was sitting in his crib, banging his head on the bars and laughing like a hyaena (they laugh, right?)
4:00 a.m. -- More banging, no laughter
sometime after 4:30 went back to sleep only to be wake up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready for the day.

Now...6:00 p.m. ... ready for bed.  Resistance if futile...but I must.  The little kids don't go to bed for another hour and the big kids have 2 more hours...then it's off to sleepy land.  :-)

Micah has had TWO great days at school in a row!!  That's a huge PRAISE GOD!  

We moved him to morning class so he's back on his normal schedule of eating lunch then taking a nap in the afternoon.  Also changed the IEP to allow the teachers to use a spray bottle of vinegar when he spits.  They had to use it once yesterday and once today and he stopped immediately.

What next?

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