Friday, July 24, 2009


First --  check out the new Reece's Rainbow Site.  Kudos to Meredith Cornish for her hard work!  Go check it out.
We continue to trudge through the summer.  It's been a busy one and in only three weeks it's over -- the kids go back to school on August 13.  Hard to believe!  Blake goes off to Grand Lake for Senior High Camp next week.  Praying that God will speak to his heart.  We're so proud of the man of God he is becoming.  He is so sensitive to hear God's voice and really wants to follow Him.  We are so grateful for this.
We're still trying to get down to Texas to see Nana.  She really wants to see the kids and they really want to see her.  (She might want to see us too, but we're not sure.  :-)  ).  We're gonna try to go in two weekends for a few days. 
We are still praying and seeking the Lord for what it is He wants us to do in the adoption ministry front.  We're trusting Him for His timing and His leading.  We are amazed at what He's done and fully trust Him for just the right time and the details.
Our dear friends and travelling buddies, the Loux's, continue to be amazed by the Father too.  We had planned to go see them this summer but because of the surgeries, we had to cancel the trip.  We shooting for the Fall.  It's hard moving 9 people around.  :-) 
As the days since our long trip to Ukraine go by, our hearts both ache to be there.  I can't explain why, but several times in the last couple of days I have found myself literaly in tears with a gut wrenching homesick feeling in my soul.  I've planned a trip to go back in September for 5 days (a VERY SHORT trip when you consider it takes 20-30 hours to get there) to spend some time with a new friend who works to find homes for children with special needs in Ukraine orphanages.  I got to meet him when we were there and we think we may partner with him in ministry.  This trip will probably decide that.  He is going to take me to several orphanages that he works with and I'm going to make connection with them in hopes of taking a group of "interested parties" in the spring and make some partnerships with these homes for ongoing ministry and adoption.  God is on the move.  I'm going with Him!!
Mary continues to astound me with her selflessness in loving me and our children.  I'm sending her to Colorado to visit her sister BY HERSELF on the 4th of August and I hope she'll take this time for herself to rejuvenate and spend the time on her.  What a blessing she is to my life!  And to the lives of our children!  I hope they realize what a priceless treasure she it.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you will worship God with every thought, word, and action.
If you have any questions about our lives...just ask and I'll answer them on the blog.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

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1 comments: to “ Stuff

  • thedickinsonfamily
    July 24, 2009 at 9:57 PM  

    This indeed has been a summer to remember. So many firsts for our new kiddos. I wouldn't want to miss a minute of it. Thanks for sharing your summer with the Dickinson's. We love our play dates with the littles and sleep overs with the big kids. That's what summers are all about, FUN!