Saturday, June 27, 2009

What's up at Malone Nine central?  

We just finished a week of VBS. It was a wild and crazy week and several weeks before getting ready for it. We'll have a musical in tomorrow's services presented by about 300 of the 2nd-6th graders that participated during the week. We had about 700 of that age this week (and another 300 preschool-1st graders). It was a blessed week, but lots of work!

We kept the three little guys home during the week (they are still recovering from their surgeries. Blake and Hannah volunteered (Blake helped in the musical room with me and Hannah did 4 year old recreation). Bethany & Seth participated and loved every minute of it! Mary usually volunteers, but with the little guys recovering, it wasn't possible this year.

The surgeries:
On June 15, we checked Matthew in for surgery. He had his tear ducts repaired, had tubes put in his ears and had the Molluscum Contagium scraped from his eyes, face and arms. We were home before lunch and he did really well. He didn't seem to have any reaction at all (except his eyes ran like crazy.

Then on June 16, we checked Eli in for his surgery. He had his ear tubes removed and his tonsils out. He was required to stay in the hospital due to the problems he has had recently and because of his problems when he had his adenoids removed a couple of years ago. We thought it would be a matter of him leaving the next morning. Well, the little bugger wouldn't drink (which was what they were afraid of) so they couldn't take him off his IV. I stayed the night the first night with him and we had a very sweet time together. He was feeling great (come on, on pain meds, who wouldn't?) and except that he was in danger of dehydration, he seemed great. So we played and watched Miss Patty Cake and he let me hold him a lot. It was a special time. On the 17th (my birthday), the doc said unless he starts drinking a lot very soon, he can't go home. I was running on almost no sleep for the past 5 days and just couldn't stay again so Mary came up and spent the night the second night. Thankfully, he went home on Thursday. Amazingly, they took out his IV to get ready for me to pick them up and then he picked up his cup and started drinking. We had been trying to get them to lower the fluid level on IV so he would get thirsty, but they don't do that. Well, he drank a whole cup on the way home and had another when we got home and he drank well (for the most part) from then on.

On June 17, we checked Micah in to have ear tubes put in and his tonsils and adenoids out. He was a good patient. He did cry a lot when he came out of anesthetic, but once they got the pain meds flowing, he was good to go. He and Mary came up to Eli's room and kept me company for a little while before they went home. Friday afternoon, he suddenly became lethargic and I checked his temp and it was 102.5. So that freaked us out a little bit and we called the doc and he said that most likely he was dehydrated. He was having trouble drinking. So we nursed him through the night and by morning, his fever was down to just at 100 and we worked really hard to keep him drinking and he's great now.

All three boys have weathered this small storm and are doing great! Thanks for your prayers!

We've had a VERY BUSY summer so far (hence the lack of posting). Blake and Hannah have been to Super Summer (a Christian leadership camp), Hannah's been to camp, we've had VBS, surgeries, Blake leaves for Belize on a mission trip on Thursday, then home a week, then off to Senior High Camp, then band camp starts again and school starts August 13. What has happened to the summer???

Our OKC zoo puts on what they call Dream Night each year. We've never gone, but decided this was the year! It's a night for families with special needs. We had a wonderful time and the staff of the zoo was so gracious. Chic-fil-a also came and provided food for all. The whole thing was free! It was a great time.

Here's three videos of what's been going on.

The first one is a montage of the kids...

This is Matthew...the little boy who we were told couldn't learn and was deeply delayed (yeah...I would be too if I was left in a bed my whole life...). He has learned how Parker the singing donkey works and can get to the songs he likes by himself. Mind you, we did NOT teach him to do this. He figured it out. He has figured out lots of things on his own and he is SO SMART! Enjoy...

Here's the final installment. Pictures from May and June 2009...

Thanks for finding our lives interesting! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

What next?

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8 comments: to “ What's up at Malone Nine central?

  • Missy
    June 27, 2009 at 7:56 PM  

    That was SO worth waiting for!!!!

  • June Berger
    June 27, 2009 at 8:25 PM  

    so glad all is well with everyone. Thankful the boys are doing well after their surgeries. I wish I could see the videos :o( . Feel free to email them to me if you can ;o) I'd really love to see their progress.

  • Meredith
    June 27, 2009 at 9:41 PM  

    Wow. Just wow... in every photo, every video, it's so amazing to see the changes in the boys! I can only say it for Micah, but goodness, it's the Love of Christ showing through you that has brought him from that little boy we met to the child he is today. What a blessing to be able to see it. Thank you for sharing!!!

  • Tiffany
    June 27, 2009 at 10:49 PM  


    Thanks for sharing their lives with us.
    We love you guys.


  • Tracie
    June 28, 2009 at 1:29 PM  

    Love the vids! I for one missed Parker so I was glad for some "sing along" time!!!!!


  • Silly Sally
    June 28, 2009 at 3:01 PM  

    THANK You for sharing your lives with me. I always cry at you videos.

  • Carole Ray
    June 29, 2009 at 10:46 AM  

    It is amazing to see how the boys are filling out & enjoying one another. It is great to be a part of seeing what God is doing in these little boys lives. God chose you for a special job & you are doing great at it.

  • alicia
    July 20, 2009 at 5:25 PM  

    I saw this post before,but didnt comment. Just saw some Tracie Loux videos,and saw Mathew (at least i thing)dancing with the donkie's music, and remember that it was the same from this video

    I though it was pretty cute, and now I see why he loves it,i think it reminds you and getting him from the Orphanage

    Is amazing how well are they, God is good