Sunday, May 10, 2009

The punkin heads, mother's day and other ramblings...  

We had a great day with the kids today. The 3 punkins all had a very happy today. I'd love to know what makes days happy and not happy. I'd put it in a bottle and feed it to them while they sleep. They all woke up so happy today and were happy all day. They've just gone to bed about 20 minutes ago and were all 3 still happy. It's so good to see the old Eli since he's gotten over the blood problem that he's apparently had since summer.

It's been interesting to see how he's responded to having Matthew & Micah in our family. Today, he walked up to me and held his arms up and just smiled a huge smile. I picked him up and he gave me a big kiss and hug and just giggled. That's not our normal Eli. I wouldn't say that the love that Micah so freely gives us makes him jealous, I think he ma see how happy it makes us and Micah that he's just realized what he's missing out on by staying to him self.

Today, when they woke up from their naps, I brought them all into our bed (Mary and I had been laying down). All three of them got a good tickle and when Matthew was doing his evil professor laugh while I was tickling him, Eli just laughed and laughed. He thought it was so funny that I was tickling Matthew. They all fed off each other. It ended up bringing the rest of the kids in and we all had a good time. (except Blake...who was working on a video that he shot of the other kids yesterday... it'll probably show up here sometime.)

Matthew & Micah did so well at church today. They sat there with us like little gentlemen . It's amazing how well they did. Praise God for that! And Micah hasn't spit on anyone in over a week. That's an improvement. (Does anyone else think that it's weird that not spitting on people would be a milestone?? ha ha)

Mary has really done a lot in the yard this year. So, the kids chipped in (and dad helped quite a bit) and got her 2 huge hydrangea plants and several dahlias that are very pretty. They also got her one big card and all signed it. It's a musical card that plays "We Are Family." Very cute.

So why do I love the mother of my children?
She's beautiful.
She puts me and the kids way ahead of herself.
She's my best friend.
There's no other person on the planet that I'd rather be with.
She loves the kids unconditionally. Completely.
She loves God more than she loves me.
She makes me happy...just being her...just like she is.
She brightens my life.
She's the best mom on earth.
She's far more than I could ever deserve.
Here's to my lover, my best friend, my bride of my youth.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

What next?

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