It's Hard to Believe
I look at the picture I posted earlier today and am just amazed that God has given us these blessings. How unworthy we are to receive His trust to raise these 7 beautiful children. Thank You, God.
We took the boys to the eye doctor on Monday. Here's the lowdown...
Matthew's vision is within normal limits and won't need glasses, but he has some little bumps/growths around one of his eyes and on his eyelid. It's some sort of viral thing that has to be lanced and scraped until it bleeds and scars and heals. And both tear ducts are either not working or are non existent. Either way, he'll have surgery on both eyes in a couple of weeks to get rid of the virus and to correct the tear duct problem.
Micah is nearly blind it seems. The normal farsightedness for children is 1.5 diopter. Micah is 8.5 in one eye and 9.5 in the other. He got his glasses today. They are thick and make his eyes really big but he is EVEN CUTER than before! He loves the glasses. He just points at them and smiles and giggles. He has started grabbing our faces and forcing them to look at him and he just stares at us. Wow. He is an amazing boy.
Every since we've had him, we've assumed he has some sort of vision problem or depth perception problem. He wouldn't cross thresholds, or if the terrain changed from cement to grass or if there was a big crack in the side walk or something he would sit down and scoot. We didn't have any idea that his vision was so bad though. He's been looking at everything and I think he's just amazed. I wear glasses and have very poor vision with them but his vision is even worse than mine. I can't imagine living without the glasses. In fact, I couldn't. The poor little guy. Thank You, God for letting us help him in this way!
So, more pics are coming soon...we got some great shots at the Down syndrome Easter Egg-stravaganza.
The Dickinsons are home and things are going pretty well for them! They still need to raise some money toward their adoption expenses. Also, they are having a shower at FBC Moore SUNDAY, APRIL 19 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. (come and go) in the Atrium.
Thanks for your love, prayers and support!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
April 9, 2009 at 7:51 AM
First of all, hello! I'm Leah, mom to 12 year old Angela who has DS. I'm an adoption blog junkie, as I'm still working on my husband about the concept. LOL But, he'd LOVE to host an orphan this summer, so that's where we're going to start. If that's where God says he needs to start, then that's where we'll start! ANyway, that is WONDERFUL that he can SEE with his glasses! I can't even imagine going through life unable to see. I, too, wear glasses and could not see without them. Poor buddy! What a blessing this adoption has been for him, in so many ways!! If I might make a suggestion: Before you schedule the eye surgery, I would see an ENT to make sure he doesn't need tubes in his ears as well. (most kids with DS do, and if his tear ducts are blocked it's very likely he has fluid in his ears as well) because they can do both procedures at the same time, eliminating time under anesthesia. My daughter has had 22 major surgeries, and rarely does she have just one thing done at a time! We try to do 2-3 things at one time. Once she had FOUR things done! (tear duct probes, ear tubes, her gtube closure, an umbilical hernia repair). We called that one her "tune up". LOL Anyway, you have a lovely family, and I'm enjoying watching your family grow and bond!
April 9, 2009 at 10:30 AM
The shower will be the 19th at 3:00 - not this Sunday (Easter).
So glad to have you all home!!!!
April 9, 2009 at 5:14 PM
I can't wait to see Micah in his new glasses! He's so cute now, I can't imagine that he's even cuter with his new glasses!!
I remember in 6th grade when I got my first set of glasses - I kept saying, "Look at the trees!! I can see all of the leaves!! Look at the signs!! I can read all of the words!!" And on and on. It was like I'd just been born. It was the greatest day!! So I know what Micah will be going through when he gets those new specs. :O) How long does he have to wait??