Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Prayer Needed & Update on Today
First, let me say that it's great to be a child of God. Second, let me say that I am so glad to be an American.
I asked for prayer in a previous post today. Let me tell you what's going on.
Last night when we got home from the airport, we got to say hello to Eli (our youngest child) who had waited at home with Nana while we got picked up from the airport. When I saw him I knew something was wrong because he was as white as a ghost. His lips were white. His tongue was white. Not color in nailbeds, etc. I was so sick myself though that I thought that maybe he was just really tired and maybe he was cold. I said hello to him and hugged him and Mary took him to bed so we didn't really think much more about it.
This morning, we were more coherent and when we saw him again we knew that he needed to see the doctor just in case. The earliest appointment we could get was 2:45 so since the kids were out of school (I had been to the doctor early this morning and was sent to bed to rest on my medications), I decided that we really needed to do something with them til lunch and then I'd come home and rest. So we went to Home Depot to get a couple of swings to replace the ones that are broken on our swing set (since the kids love to be outside so much and Micah will LOVE swinging!). Then we went to Walmart to get a television. Our television went out the week after we left for Ukraine (SORRY NANA!). Sidenote before you ask: No, we don't use the television as a baby sitter. Yes, Eli LOVES to watch Miss Patty Cake and Barney. Yes the new kids seemed to like that too when we let them watch it on my computer in Ukraine. Yes, I need my wife to be SANE and to be able to let the kids watch something so she can take a breath every now and again. Okay...enough justifying. :-) :-) How did I get on that subject anyway? Maybe lack of sleep and strong medications. Argh...
But I digress. Where I was trying to get to was that the couple of hours we were out, Eli didn't get any better. He wasn't sick, per se. There are no symptoms except the lack of color and fatigue/lethargy.
So Mary took him to the doctor and I stayed home and rested with the other kids. (Matthew and Micah took naps today! And another side note is that they are asleep right now too! The go down pretty easily.) She called me and said she had to go to the hospital to get a blood workup because our doctor took one look at him and said he is severely anemic. Before Mary could get home from that, the doctor had called me at home (it's never good when the lab calls the doctor and he calls you before you can get home from the lab since it's only 20 minutes away) to tell me that his hemoglobin should be at 10 and it's at 3.5 and that he must get into the hospital to see a hemotologist immediately. He called back after Mary got home and we got our instructions for admittance and he then told us that he may be near congestive heart failure because of the lowness of the count. He told us that there are two things that might be causing this. 1. He could be bleeding internally. 2. He could have Leukemia.
Well, Mary and I became sobbing basket cases when we got up to the bedroom by ourselves. We called in help and off we went to the hospital. The hemotologist came in right after I left (isn't that the way it always happens?). They began doing transfusions about 15 minutes ago and will continue them through the night and throughout tomorrow to try to get his counts back up to at least 8. Then we'll move on from there after he's stable.
Our prayer is that God's grace will meet us where ever we find ourselves. The desire of our hearts is, of course, that whatever happens, Eli will be spared. Please pray with us. Thank you dear ones. PS>>>I'm feeling almost human again and hope to be that much better again tomorrow. Thanks for praying.
March 25, 2009 at 11:00 PM
Praying for Eli and that no matter the outcome that God be by all your sides and that he can recover from it.
Tammy RR
March 25, 2009 at 11:18 PM
Praying for all the Malone family for healing and strength!
Debbie RR
March 26, 2009 at 12:39 AM
Praying for a complete healing for Eli, whatever the cause. Praying for strength for you all during this time. Praying for healing for your pneumonia. Praying for uneventful adjustment for everyone. Praying for God's peace and comfort through it all.
March 26, 2009 at 12:59 AM
We love you guys! Please know that we are praying for each of you. We pray that God will heal little Eli and bring him home with you guys soon. We wish we were home with you guys. I wish I were there to hug Mary and love on Mr. Eli. Please know we are praying on your behalf. We will do our very best to stay connected as often as possible. You know were we are. :)
Call when you can, SKYPE on our cell phone. I'd love to hear from you guys.
Chris - We pray you too get well and take care of yourself.
We'll keep you posted on our GOTCHA DAy!
We love you ALL.
March 26, 2009 at 2:52 AM
So grateful for attentive medical personnel who helped get Eli the quick assistance he needed! So glad that you are in the states to be with him. Jehovah Rapha please provide the healing and care that the Malone family needs so much. May the Gentile Healer minister to Eli and restore him completely!!! jamie
March 26, 2009 at 5:36 AM
Good morning Chris, Sure hope and pray that the boys slept all night so that you were able to get some rest. Praying for Eli to be up and about quickly. Your children are the greatest. The older ones just are great with the younger ones and they all pitch in and help with their two new brothers. Oh, by the way, I left my jacket there last night so if you don't mind, just put it on the front porch and I'll run by and pick it up. Thanks. Carol
March 26, 2009 at 6:44 AM
Praying for God to be your strength, comfort, and rest. Please keep posting on how things are going.
March 26, 2009 at 7:03 AM
Oh Chris and Mary, I am so sorry to hear about Eli - that is what has stopped our adoption in Ukraine. Our daughter was in heart failure. we have spent the last 2 months in the hospital. Prayers for Eli and your family and your two new sweet boys and the rest of your kids - it's hard on everyone. Love to y'all, shelly
March 26, 2009 at 7:28 AM
My heart is heavy. My prayers are with you. I lift you up before the Lord for healing, for strength. Much love to you. Thanks for keeping us updated.
March 26, 2009 at 8:47 AM
Please know that I am lifting little Eli up in prayers right this very moment...may God be with you all! Please keep us updated!
March 26, 2009 at 9:21 AM
We are so grieved to hear about your little guy...we will keep your family in prayer, that God will reveal what is going on, grant you His peace, and bring healing to Eli, as well as help you to recover yourselves and help your new children to adjust. We thank God you got home.
Love, the Adamsons (from RR)
March 26, 2009 at 11:13 AM
Praying for Eli and for you guys...oh my goodness.
Lord, please help this little boy get well.
March 26, 2009 at 11:14 AM
Praying for complete healing for Eli. Praying for rest and peace of mind for mom and dad.
March 26, 2009 at 12:01 PM
So sorry to hear about little Eli's illness. Praying that his condition will stable and he will be on his way to a quick recovery. Hope your feeling better each day as well Chris. Please keep up posted as you have news (good news). Love and prayers, Tara and Family
March 26, 2009 at 9:27 PM
Mary and Chris,
I know you probably know Ps 18 by heart. Verse 18, They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the LORD was my support. He also brought me out into a broad place. He delivered me because He delighted in me.
You're in a hard place right now but God loves you and has a purpose for everything. Love you in the Lord. Linda S.
March 27, 2009 at 9:01 AM
Praying for healing all around.
Melissa Lorenz
Adopting Liza-RR