We are REALLY going to Ukraine! Really!
Today, we purchased our airline tickets to Ukraine. We were already excited…but it seems even more real now! We have only a little over 5 weeks left until we fly to Kiev and then to our boys. We can only guess what our lives will look like in 3 months from now. We’ll be NINE instead of SEVEN. <<You just thought we were loud when we were coming down the hall at church all together! You ain’t seen nothing yet!>>
We don’t even really know for sure who will be coming home with us. We found out that nothing is a sure thing! We are depending on God to do HIS work. We’ve done our part. We said, “Yes.” That’s all it took and now here we go! Back in July when we said, “Okay God, we’re game if you want to do this” we had no idea the swift course that our journey to adoption would be. We had no idea that God would provide thousands of dollars (many of those dollars from people we didn’t even know). We had no idea that our family would grow by TWO and not just ONE. I’ve always wanted twins! Huh…God gives the desires of our hearts in the most unique ways, doesn’t He!? We only knew that we could trust God and that is what we are doing now as we prepare to go…we are trusting God.
The kids have been out of school since the Thursday before Christmas…and I was home for the last two weeks on vacation (except Sundays, of course). We’ve had a great time together and I know that it was good for us to have virtually no responsibilities outside of our family for those two weeks. I was back at work today…but that’s okay. After all…my work isn’t really what I consider a job. It’s a DELIGHT and just part of who I am. God is good!
The next 5 1/2 weeks will FLY by. We have lots of details to line up, yet but feel confident that God will help us with those details. He’s all about details! Boy…am I glad, because I know that He will think of so many things that we never would!
Here’s some Prayer Needs:
- To find someone to fill in for a couple of the Sundays while I’m gone. My original plan has fallen through. I’ve got 3 of the Sundays covered, but still need to cover at least 2 more and possibly 3. ANSWERED!!
- That these next few weeks will be wonderful family times even with all the hubbub involved with the activities of 5 kids and a busy church schedule.
- For my mom who will be coming to stay with the kids while we are away. She signed on for a month originally and it looks like it’ll be at least 5 weeks now.
- That if we need more financial resources for our trip that God will provide them. WE think we have enough, but God knows the whole picture and we do not.
- For a larger vehicle. Right now we have a mini van that seats 7 and I have a scooter. Obviously…not enough seats! ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- For Mary and I as we go on this adventure of a lifetime into the unknown of the adoption process. We know God will give us grace sufficient for each moment!
- For our kids…us being away will be very difficult for them.
Thanks for praying!!!
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