Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ebook Sites  

Hey gang...
I'm loading up my eBook reader. Anyone have favorite ebook sites (that are FREE :-) )?
Please post a comment. THANKS!!
13 DAYS!

PRAYER: Be sure and pray for Loux family. They leave TOMORROW morning! Pray for REST today and tonight. HEALTH (they've been a bit under the weather). SAFETY and PROVISION for their journey. PROTECTION for their family they will leave behind.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

A mom's perspective...  

My wonderful Chris usually does all the blogging...not exactly sure why, except maybe because I am one of the slowest typers on the planet, and I really enjoy reading his take on this amazing adventure! With our departure getting closer (14 days!) , my heart is simply overflowing with a million different emotions I have to share.

I am so grateful that God has chosen us for this journey.   He didn't have to...but his Word does promise that when we, "Delight in Him He will give us the desires of our hearts."  It has certainly been our desire to have more children and we have had such a burden for orphans with special needs.  God knew this and in His perfect timing made it very clear that international adoption was what He wanted us to do.  We have never had to question or wonder,"Is this what we are supposed to do?"(Doesn't mean I haven't wondered, "Lord, are You sure I won't end up in the looney bin being mother to 7!") 

I have been amazed at how much this adoption process has been similar to pregnany, weight gain and all!  I really had no idea that it would make me such an emotional wreck!!!  That I would dream of my boys as I did each one of my own children...what is their smile like ...what will it be like the first time they touch my face and call me mama.  Meeting them is all I can think about some days.   At times the waiting has seemed more than I can bear! 

I have also loved watching my children develop a heart for orphans.   When we first told our oldest son, Blake, about what God was calling us to do he was unsure that we really should expand our family.  Now he, along with the other kids, talks about how he could see us adopting again sometime.  He has reminded me several times that we have room in our van for three more!!!! (yikes)

God has blessed us with such awesome kids!!  They love the Lord and it is a blessing to this mom's heart to see my two teenage children desire to walk with Lord the way they do.  Makes me think of one of my favorite verses, " I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth." 3 Jn 1:4.  Which brings me to my next emotion....the thought of leaving them for 5-6 wks.  Arghh!!  The thought suffocates me.  I know they will be fine, Nana is an amazing woman.  (and I have been praying fervently that all will go well for them while we are away and am trusting the Lord will take care of them, just as He has met our other needs.)  It's just that I will miss them terribly.  They are the joy of my life.  But I know that this sacrifice must be made in order to save two lives.  Our older kids understand this but Eli has no clue that we are even leaving! 

Well that's about it for now..there is more I could say, but it has already taken me an hour to type this.  (not kidding!)  I thank God for all He has done and all he will continue to do!!    

Pray for the Malones  

Answered Prayers...

  • God led us the boys to adopt.
  • God allowed Dante to be adopted and rescued (he'll be home to Kansas with Derek & Renee Loux January 25).
  • God has provided money through fund raisers, extra jobs and through His people. He has provided with abundance and extravagance.
  • He has provided a large 12-passenger van through the kindness of His people and through providential events.
  • All of our paperwork was approved on the first go round and was submitted before the adoption department of the government in the country we are adopting from closed for the the winter.
  • We were given an appointment date in the country we are adopting from.
  • Our travel will overlap with another couple we have met through Reece's Rainbow.
  • The officials at Romaniv (where Micah is) were more than willing to let us adopt him.  
  • Our paperwork has gone great and the snags were ironed out quickly.

Please make these issues a matter of prayer to God...
  • For our five kids we are leaving in America. Pray for their health that they would not be sick while we're gone.
  • Pray for "Nana." She'll be staying with them for the entire 5-6 weeks we are gone. Our hope is that their lives will be as normal as possible while we're gone.
  • Pray that the paperwork that needs to be done will be done in the SHORTEST possible time.
  • The Malones & Loux's have court Friday, March 6 at 2:00 & 3:00 p.m. respectively.  (That's 6 & 7 a.m. Oklahoma & Kansas time.)  PRAY THAT THE JUDGE WILL WAIVE THE 10 DAY WAITING PERIOD FOR BOTH OUR FAMILIES.
  • Pray for the Malones, Loux's & Dickinsons that satan will be bound and that we will be protected from all spiritual attack in any form.
  • Pray that the Spirit of God will work in everyone involved in our adoptions and that we will find favor with all officials and workers.
  • We are going to be before government officials, judges and others and it is our desire to represent JESUS. He is the reason we are even able to do this. Pray that we will have and take opportunity to share our testimony of Jesus.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We'll See What Happens  

It appears (as of this morning) that the idea to include family planning in the economic stimulus package will be withdrawn.  Republicans have argued that it doesn't really qualify as stimulus to the economy.   It seems that the plan was to begin with contraceptives and family planning services (whatever that is).  But I wonder just how liberally interpreted this could have been and when would it lead to providing abortions to limit the population and thus provide a stress relief to the economy.  This is a scary path to put our country on.  I don't want to even think about where it could lead.  God, please change the course.

By the way...we leave in only SEVENTEEN DAYS for Ukraine.  We'll cuddle with our boys for the first time in just a few weeks!!!  That seems so hard to believe!
Praise God!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am so burdened.  

5 days ago we inaugurated a new president.  One who on the White House website states clearly that he will support a woman’s right to choose and will allow the use of government money for international abortion.  I wondered when that came down the pike, just how long would it be before the US Government wanted to spend our money on state funded abortion.

Nancy Pelosi gave an interview yesterday.  Read her exact words.

Sun Jan 25 2009 22:13:43 ET
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."
Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury.

The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.


I really don’t know what to say right now.  I know that to be more worried about the consequences of the downturn in our economy and not worry about the consequences of spitting in God’s face is treacherous.  In order to not speak in anger, I will refrain from further comment right now.  God help us.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Look at this!!!  



Yes…this is Matthew!  Our friends, Derek and Renee Loux were at the orphanage where Matthew is (they just got home Saturday night with their 3 new sons!) and all the time they were there they were unable to see Matthew.  He was in a room they were not allowed to go in.  About 10 minutes before they left the orphanage the last time, they ended up in the room where he was for about 15 seconds and got to snap these two pictures!!!

We are SO glad just to see that he’s there!  It is so good to see his face (green polka dots and all).  BTW…the green dots are medicine.  He has the chicken pox (along with about half of the orphanage).

God is so good to allow us these pictures and we are VERY GRATEFUL to the Loux’s for getting them for us.  We can hardly wait the last 18 days till we get to go to our boys!

Praise God He’s letting us do this.

Ilya in Ukraine...  

His name is Ilya. He, too, was given up at birth by his parents because he shares the diagnosis of Down syndrome. But Ilya hasn't "come home" yet. And his future doesn't look good. He's small, under-stimulated, under-nourished, and frankly he needs someone to put a smile on his face! Ilya was born in November of 2004 and just turned four years old. He's now just 10 months from being transferred to a mental institution.

For the next 4 weeks there is a fundraiser for Ilya. This will go straight to his Reece's Rainbow grant and all money donated will be available to his forever family to help with the cost of Ilya's adoption.  This will allow a family to adopt him, bring him home to a forever home and give him a chance at life.

Ilya is 4 years old and can crawl and sit, but still does not walk. One day, Ilya will be walking with his new Mom and Dad. Will it be you? The only medical complication that little Ilya has is a duplication of the left kidney (made in 2006) and a PDA (very very minor heart issue which likely resolved itself). 

If you want information about adopting Ilya or other children with special needs from Ukraine, please visit REECE'S RAINBOW on the web and see if God calls YOU to rescue one or more of these precious children.  Go there now...

To help with Ilya's grant fund, click on the chip-in below.  It's totally tax deductible...but more importantly, you're helping SAVE A LIFE.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Prayer Page and Grab This Button...  

Please pray for us. Here's a link to or prayer page. can grab this button to replace the one you may now be linked to. We're not fundraising anymore so the other button can go away. Thanks for prayers and for linking to our button.

Link to the Malone Family Prayer Page... copy this code in the box below and paste it into your blog or website.

The code will produce this on your website:
Pray for Malones
Grab This Button

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Can He do one more thing?  

I woke up this morning at 4:24 a.m.  ugh.

I woke up thinking.  Thinking about all the things God has done over the last 4 1/2 months.  Miraculous things, really.  I was thinking about the way He has consistently proven two things:  1) He has definitely called us to adopt.  2) He is certainly capable of providing for every need.

Heavy on my mind are a few things that kind of came as surprises to us this week.  Some extra expenses we were not counting on.  Still needing a place to stay while we are in the town where the institutions are. And a couple of other little things.  Also weighing on me is a throat/vocal problem I’ve been having since the week before Christmas.  Been to the doc several times…tried this and that medicine…stopped going to the gym for a week…nothing’s better.  This may not seem like a big deal to most, but worship through music (specifically singing) is my life…dare I say it’s who I am.  So to not be able to speak or sing without pain is a big deal to me.  And from the fleshly side…it’s my livelihood (at least for now).

So I awoke this morning feeling the world closing in on me.  The enemy is on his haunches, waiting for just the right moment to pounce.  I’ve been through a dark time of depression before in my life that I thought I couldn’t never come out of.  That’s not somewhere I want to go ever again.

God awoke me this morning to remind me of all these things that would seek to distract me…derail me…destroy me and steal my joy.  He didn’t remind me of those things to sink me into depression.  He reminded me of those things to help me remember.  To remember that HE is bigger.  HE is more powerful.  HE has all this and more under control.  He reminded me that even though things seem like they are spinning out of control, the only control they are out of is mine.  Not His.

He took me to His Word.  Here’s a few Scriptures He shared with me:

7 Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
make melody to our God on the lyre!
8 He covers the heavens with clouds;
he prepares  rain for the earth;
he makes grass grow on the hills.
9 He gives to the beasts their food,
and to the young ravens that cry.
10 His delight is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his pleasure in the legs of a man,
11 but the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him,
in those who hope in his steadfast love.
--Psalm 147:7-11

7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens.  8 “‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn that I have loved you.
--Revelation 3:8-9

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
--Romans 8:18-25

Who can explain why God does things the way He does?  Who can describe the workings of His mind?  Who can deduce what His next move will be?  Try as I might, I cannot.  Trusting is the only successful thing I can do.

Matthew and Misha…have you any idea of our love for you?  Have you any idea of all we are doing and, more importantly, all God is doing to bring you to a place of love and security?  We’ll be there soon boys.  We love you.  We’ll be leaving in 22 days.  I packed you bag this morning.  Fun toys, warm clothes, new coats, hats, gloves, books.  Can’t wait to see you, to hold you, to rock you, to sing to you, just to be with you.

Monday, January 19, 2009

25 Days and Counting…  

We leave for Ukraine in only 25 days!  Over the weekend, I got all our bills either on auto-pay or set up bill pay on our bank website.  Today, Mary and I headed to Mardel’s to check out the cheap book racks and chose about a dozen books to take with us – plus I have a bunch of books I’ve already to read that I never have gotten around to.  I may not have room for clothes.  Ha!  Maybe Mary will leave her clothes at home and take my books instead.  ummm…probably not.

We still need to get all our important documents together (life insurance, house insurance, car insurance, bank info, etc…) for my mom while we’re gone.  We’ve needed to do that anyway for a long time.  We need to get everything on paper about the kids schedules…where they go when, chore lists, and everything else.  We need to figure out what we are going to do about a stroller.  We need to get all the boys stuff into ONE duffel bag (toys, clothes, some of my books :-) ).  We need to get our house DEEP CLEANED and de-clutter so things aren’t in too big a disarray when we bring the boys home.  We’ve been letting things slide a bit in that area.  The boys will likely be a bit overwhelmed as it is!

-We found out today that the chicken pox have come to the orphanage where Matthew is.  (also, Derek and Renee’s 4 boys are there and John and Tracie’s Aiden is there and covered with pox).

-Also…for the party for Derek and Renee’s boys, Derek has been cleared to bring in a worship team.  They will come and worship with the children and pray over them.  Praise the Lord for this favor they have gained.  They will do this Wednesday at 2:00 pm (Ukraine time…that’s 6 am our time).  Please pray that God would do a work in the hearts of the children and the workers during this special time.

-Continue to pray for financial support for our friends John & Tracie Loux who leave in just 2 weeks.

-Continue to pray for our friends Wayne & Meghan Dickinson who will be going sometime this Spring.

-Pray for our boys…  Matthew & Misha

olegfromkons-1    Ukraine016-1

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One Month From Today…  

…we’ll be on the plane headed to Ukraine to meet these two new Malones!

olegfromkons-3 Gorev Misha72

It’s kind of like knowing when you’re going to the hospital for a new baby <<well…except for the pain and stuff!>>.  We are ready to a daddy and mommy again and we can barely believe that God is enabling us to do just that.  He has made a way.  Given us a promise and is bringing to fruition…through His power, not ours!

Our friends, Derek and Renee’ Loux are going to be bringing their three boys home at the end of this month.  Our friends, John & Tracie Loux are bringing their son home a couple of weeks before we do.  Our friends here in Oklahoma, Wayne and Meghan Dickinson are bringing home their son sometime this spring.  All of us blessed.  All of us on mission for God.  All of us on a journey.

Thank You, God for the opportunity, the provision, and for making the way.  We trust you and will follow you.

Please pray for the Malones, Loux's, Loux’s and Dickinsons:

  • For God’s continued guidance and hand of blessing
  • For God’s continued provision to meet the needs that we don’t even know about (there are always surprises)
  • For our families as we make the transition with all the new boys
  • For the health of all our boys and that we will all make wise decisions regarding their healthcare

Thank you for your continued prayers!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Starbucks and God  

Sitting in starbucks all by MYSELF. I just finished teaching a leadership conference and in the dead time waiting for my son to finish at a band rehearsal I thought it would be a good time for a Chris break with God.

Pretty much just sitting here in front of a plate glass window looking at the beautiful sky and the OU campus thinking.

-it's incredible to be a child of God.
-it's amazing that He loves me
-it's always wonderful when He answers prayer in such unique and unexpected ways.
-I can't believe I'm gonna be a daddy again. I thought just a few months ago that that would never happen again. What pure JOY
-I am overwhelmed by Gods provision for my family
-I'm going to go to a far away place to rescue and adopt two boys who don't know I exist
-God did that for me too. I have a forever daddy too.
-it will be joy. I will smile. I will cry
-God smiled too

What a life.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here it is! Praising God!!  

About two weeks ago, I was adding prayer requests to a post and I decided to ask you all to pray that God would privide a larger vehicle because we were not going to have enough room in our one vehicle that we have. I haven't really made it a matter of prayer myself because it seemed like a selfish thing to pray for. As I typed it, God said not to bother asking others to pray if I wasn't willing to pray about it. After all, He is my Father and likes me to ask Him for the things I need. It would be like one of my kids asking their friends to ask me if they could have a new pair of shoes because the ones they have have holes in them. Seems silly in that context but that's what I was doing. So I began to earnestly pray.

About a week later we drove past a new auto auction across the highway from our church and there was this beautiful crimson red van in the lot and Mary wondered aloud if we could ever afford it. I encouraged her to call and just see. Well, they were asking well below the blue book I found out later when I checked it out with the VIN but it was still more than we felt we could do. Actually at that time, it would have been impossible but Mary told him an amount and we didn't think there was any way they would come down so much. Later that day he called back and said he could do it for the price. Well we didn't have the money even for the lower price. But the next day as I did a blue book value and a car fax report I was shocked to find out that the price was almost 50% of the blue book price. A while later, the financial assistant came in my office and said that she had good news for me about a love offering. So of course I got excited but was BLOWN AWAY when she told me how much it was. I couldn't believe it!!! It was given specifically for a vehicle!! See the wonderful gift our Father gave us below.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Answered Prayer…  

We are now the proud owners of a 2006 E350 Super Duty 15-Passenger Van (Crimson Red).  It’s like BRAND NEW with only 28,000 miles and we got it for almost half of the retail blue book value.

It’s late and I’m sleepy so will tell more tomorrow!


Monday, January 5, 2009

We are REALLY going to Ukraine! Really!  

SDA SignToday, we purchased our airline tickets to Ukraine.  We were already excited…but it seems even more real now!  We have only a little over 5 weeks left until we fly to Kiev and then to our boys.  We can only guess what our lives will look like in 3 months from now.  We’ll be NINE instead of SEVEN.  <<You just thought we were loud when we were coming down the hall at church all together!  You ain’t seen nothing yet!>>

We don’t even really know for sure who will be coming home with us.  We found out that nothing is a sure thing!  We are depending on God to do HIS work.  We’ve done our part.  We said, “Yes.”  That’s all it took and now here we go!  Back in July when we said, “Okay God, we’re game if you want to do this” we had no idea the swift course that our journey to adoption would be.  We had no idea that God would provide thousands of dollars (many of those dollars from people we didn’t even know).  We had no idea that our family would grow by TWO and not just ONE.  I’ve always wanted twins!  Huh…God gives the desires of our hearts in the most unique ways, doesn’t He!?  We only knew that we could trust God and that is what we are doing now as we prepare to go…we are trusting God.

The kids have been out of school since the Thursday before Christmas…and I was home for the last two weeks on vacation (except Sundays, of course).  We’ve had a great time together and I know that it was good for us to have virtually no responsibilities outside of our family for those two weeks.  I was back at work today…but that’s okay.  After all…my work isn’t really what I consider a job.  It’s a DELIGHT and just part of who I am.  God is good!

The next 5 1/2 weeks will FLY by.  We have lots of details to line up, yet but feel confident that God will help us with those details.  He’s all about details!  Boy…am I glad, because I know that He will think of so many things that we never would!

Here’s some Prayer Needs:

  • To find someone to fill in for a couple of the Sundays while I’m gone.  My original plan has fallen through.  I’ve got 3 of the Sundays covered, but still need to cover at least 2 more and possibly 3. ANSWERED!!
  • That these next few weeks will be wonderful family times even with all the hubbub involved with the activities of 5 kids and a busy church schedule.
  • For my mom who will be coming to stay with the kids while we are away.  She signed on for a month originally and it looks like it’ll be at least 5 weeks now.
  • That if we need more financial resources for our trip that God will provide them.  WE think we have enough, but God knows the whole picture and we do not.
  • For a larger vehicle.  Right now we have a mini van that seats 7 and I have a scooter.  Obviously…not enough seats!  ANSWERED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • For Mary and I as we go on this adventure of a lifetime into the unknown of the adoption process.  We know God will give us grace sufficient for each moment!
  • For our kids…us being away will be very difficult for them.

Thanks for praying!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Leavin' on a jet plane, don't know when we'll be back again...  

GOLDEN RULE TRAVEL rules! Edlo at Golden Rule got us all set up on United/Lufthansa to go to Ukraine February 13. He found us tickets for $1000 each and the boys will cost $503 each to get home. We were very happy with that price! We had the option to wait til January 30 to buy them and the price might go down a little because of fuel charges, but I'm a bit too neurotic to wait that long. I'd rather have them purchased so we know we have seats!

So Monday's the day...he'll have it all ready for us to purchase then. We did have to give him the boys' names for their tickets so we handed them over. We'll unveil them online after they are officially until then you'll know them as Matthew and Misha. :-)

We are pretty much at the point of waiting to leave. The only details we are waiting on (which are big ones, I guess) are where we will stay in each of the regions. Derek and Renee Loux are going to try to help us with that when they go back to pick up their THREE boys in mid-January. We are very grateful for their help!!

So...if you're doing adoption travel, we wholeheartedly recommend Golden Rule Travel! Did I mention they RULE!!


Hey boys...WE LOVE YOU and are COMING FOR YOU!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Family Christmas...  

We had a great time with our family during the Christmas holiday!

Blake, Hannah, Bethany & Seth
at home

Eli at Grandma's. It was 70 degrees!

Seth with his tickle box turned over.

Hannah in the tree at Grandma's.

Blake in the tree at Grandma's.

Seth...he didn't get his front teeth for Christmas.

Bethany at Grandma's.

Eli at Grandma's.

The kids.

Surrounded by toys...paper wins the prize.

The Year 2009  

This year is sure to be a year full of unexpected events, surprises and great blessing from God that we cannot even imagine as I write this. In 2008, we went through many exciting times and several very low times. Times when our relationship with God was all we had and all we wanted. Those times made us cling even more to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

During 2008, God led us to adopt two boys from Ukraine with Down Syndrome and we began the process in August...wondering how in the world it would ever really happen...where the money would come from...all the logistics and paperwork. But God did it and as we celebrate this first day of 2009, we are also preparing to leave the country for 5 - 6 weeks to rescue our two boys. Bittersweet, for sure. Leaving our kids in the USA for 5 weeks seems unimaginable. Leaving the comfort of our home and normal schedules is not the easy path. Yet...God has called and we answered and we TRUST HIM.

During 2008, one of the lowest moments was the moment we realized that one of the boys we had planned to adopt had been adopted by another family. The only consolation being that we know the family, know their love for our God and the fact that we have only every prayed that GOD'S PLAN WOULD GO FORWARD which it has and is! Again...we TRUST HIM and HIS HAND a lot more than our small-minded, short-sighted plans.

Some scriptures that stand out to me as we begin this year of uncertain journey...

2 Corinthians 5:7
"We live/walk by faith, not by sight." (NIV)

The Amplified says is like this...
"For we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ourselves by our conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or appearance."

It is my nature to want to have a plan. We have, time and time again, tried to get a plan set and have tried to stay with that plan throughout our adoption process. God has met us at nearly every turn with a different plan or at least process. It has been with great joy that we have surrendered to His hand. Joy...not necessarily because we liked the way He did something, but because the Hand of our Father is so powerful and we know that everything He does is RIGHT and GOOD. We know that what we see is just a tiny part of the picture and He sees the picture in its entirety. Every nuance. Every beautiful color. Every tiny detail. So...we rest in His Hands by faith...not sight.

We know that we will have to stand strong in FAITH this year. We don't know why...but we have decided to begin with that we will trust Him. No matter what.

Psalm 139

"13 For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the awful wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and that my inner self knows right well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery]. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. 17 How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" (AMP)

It is a truly amazing thing to know that God didn't just create me, my family and the boys we are grafting into our family. He also wrote the details of every one of our days before one of them came to be. Before we were born. Before the foundations of the earth. Another reason to TRUST HIM! He is trustworthy because He has already planned every moment of our lives. All we have to do is follow and obey. Not easy...but simple.

God is enlarging our tent and we are opening wide the doors to what He has for us during this new year. We place our lives in HIS hands and will follow, obey, and trust.

"I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see."

Happy New Year from the Malones
Chris, Mary, Blake, Hannah, Bethany, Seth, Eli, Matthew & Misha

Misha & Matthew