Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kids are such a blessing!  

Our kids really had a hard time yesterday with the news about Jonathan (Dante). But last night during our family devotion time, we talked about Proverbs 3:5-6...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him 
and He will direct your paths.

This is my life verse, chosen by my dad when I was very young. He wrote that in every card, book and Bible he ever gave me. What a legacy. But I digress...

The kids had good input on why it is so important to trust the Lord...especially in times when He does things that are hard or even impossible to understand.

During prayer time, I was amazed at their prayers. Over the last months, they have prayed for Jonathan and Matthew every night...that God would protect them, give us wisdom to know what to do, for our paperwork, for a speedy travel date, etc. But last night, our 7 year old started the prayer time and prayed asking God to get Jonathan home real quick so he can get well fast. One of our daughters prayed telling God how much she trusts Him. Our oldest son (14) finished out the kids part of prayer time and thanked God for giving Jonathan a family even if it wasn't ours and thanked Him for saving Jonathan's life. As hard as all this has been emotionally, I am so grateful that God has given us faith and that our children are ready to follow God even though it's sometimes so hard.

Seth, our 7 year old, kept asking yesterday to make sure that he was still going to have 2 new brothers even though one of them wasn't Jonathan. Of course we pray so!

Yesterday, it was my understanding that our home study limited us to 2 boys with Down syndrome ages 4-7. Because of the small age range and the fact that so many kids had been transferred from the orphanage we are hoping to adopt from, we wondered if there would be any left for us to adopt, but last night I reread it all again and realized that it actually states between 2 & 7 so that makes it more possible to find a son there. We were very thankful for that!

Peace and Grace.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ Kids are such a blessing!

  • amyl4
    December 10, 2008 at 10:14 AM  

    I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a child that you have been wanting to bring home. I pray that God will guide you to the two little boys that are meant to be in your family. Your children's prayers brought tears to my eyes, you are very blessed!