Monday, November 24, 2008
God is faithful. Period.
The waiting is what gets me. My mind thinks of all the things that
can go wrong. Not all the things that have gone right. It's about 3pm
easetern Europe time and no word.
The one thing I do know is this...
God is God and He is faithful no matter what happens today. End of
story. I'm not worried. Just anxious. It's that feeling you get as a
child waiting for Christmas. It's almost time to open presents and
you can't waitto see if you got the one thing you really wanted.
Till we hear something, peace and grace.
November 25, 2008 at 10:50 AM
I think I got a greater understanding of your feelings about the boys, when you talked about them already being your children & being on the other side of the world. My heart sank as I realized how I would feel if that were one of mine. We are praying for their swift reunion with you!! We love you guys!